Ehwaz (Horse)


The first thing that comes to mind here is teamwork. The ability to unite two very different elements for a common purpose.

It could be the merger of two businesses, or a mixing together of two seemingly different ideas. Whatever it is that you are being asked to unite, the result will be greater than the sum of its parts.

The name Ehwaz means horse, which means that the teamwork may be between the horse and rider, which makes this a good rune for anyone working with animals.

Another way of looking at this rune would be that of controlling your animal nature as the rider controls the horse. For the key here is to be the rider, the one in control, not the one being controlled.

Once you are able to subdue the wild parts of yourself with reason, you will be able to trust your instincts, as the rider trusts the horse. Before that time, the horse (instincts) will simply run away with you. Share on X

For this reason, Ehwaz also refers to the harmony between body and mind, intellect and instinct, head and feet. As well as caring for the body (horse), the vehicle of your soul (rider).


Upright: Horses. Teamwork. Travel. Marriage. Loyalty. Transportation. Vehicles. Harmony.

Reversed: Running wild or running away. Disloyal. Unable to move. Does not work well with others. Lack of, or breakdown of transport.  


Upright: Making money on horses, animals, transportation, travel, vehicles, teamwork, marriage, caring for the body, mind-body connection or controlling the wild and unpredictable.

Reversed: Disloyal people cost you money. Teamwork does not pay off. Someone runs away with your money. Money lost in divorce.

Loosing money on horses, vehicles, transportation and wild or uncontrollable people and circumstances.


Upright: Marriage. Harmonious partnership. Working with your partner. Picking up someone or getting picked up. Love takes you places.

You travel with your partner. Partner is healthy like a horse, hung like a horse or likes horseplay. Partner is loyal, hard-working and dependable.

Your partner works with horses, animals, transportation, travel, vehicles, teamwork, marriage, caring for the body, the mind-body connection or controlling the wild and unpredictable. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to horses, animals, transportation, travel, vehicles, teamwork, marriage, caring for the body, the mind-body connection or controlling the wild and unpredictable.

Reversed: Running away from love. Dumping someone or being dumped. Partner throws you off. Partner tries to tame you. Controlling partner. Partner runs wild or runs away. Partner is just horsing around.

Your partner works with wild and unpredictable people, animals and situations, or runaways, breakdown of transportation, troubled teamwork, divorce and loosing conscious control of ones body. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to wild and unpredictable people, animals and situations, or runaways, breakdown of transportation, troubled teamwork, divorce and loosing conscious control of ones body.


Upright: Healthy as a horse. Trust your instincts when it comes to your health. Impulse control. Using your arms and legs. Body-mind connection. Chakra balancing.

Reversed: Problems with arms, legs and movement. Loss of coordination. Hyperactivity. Impulsivity. Workaholism. Overworked, overburdened or burned out. Unable to care for, or neglecting ones body.

Chemical or hormonal imbalance disturbs the mind. Psychosomatic illnesses. Body illness affecting the mind. Hypochondriacs. Escapism. Drug abuse. Chakras out of balance. Injuries caused by horses.

© Sophia Raziela

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