Fehu (Cattle. Livestock)

Fehu In the old days, your wealth was measured by the amount of livestock you owned. The more livestock you owned, the wealthier you were. It is for this reason that Fehu is considered to be the rune of wealth. Share on X

Wealth however is not simply restricted to the physical property that you own. You could have a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of ideas, of love, of friends and so on.

Whatever you asked the runes about, Fehu tells you that you already have, or will have an abundance in this area.  


Upright: Wealth. Livestock. Stability. Luck. Abundance. Food.

Reversed: Poverty. Loss of wealth. Lack of resources. Instability. Bad luck.


Upright: Wealth. You have more than enough money. Having a steady income or getting a raise. Lucky investments. Being debt free. Having good credit.

Earning money through food production, food products, livestock and movable assets.

Reversed: Loss of income, wealth or possessions. Poverty. Financial instability. Bad credit. Debt. Bankruptcy. Unable to pay for food and going without. Do not invest at this time.

Loosing money through food production, food products, livestock, movable assets and bad luck.


Upright: You have many opportunities for love. An abundance of love in a relationship. A wealthy or well-fed partner.

Your partner works with wealth, movable assets, food or livestock.

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to wealth, movable assets, food or livestock.

Reversed: No opportunities for love. Do not pursue love at this time. A loveless relationship. The partner is poor, unable to feed themselves or looses their livestock.

Your partner works with poverty, loss of livestock and wealth, scarcity and lack of food.

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to poverty, loss of livestock and wealth, scarcity and lack of food.


Upright: Good health. Well nourished. Strong body. Good stamina.

Reversed: Malnourishment. Too much or too little nourishment (obesity/being underweight). Diseases that cause excessive weight gain or loss. Eating disorders.

Loss of muscle strength. Muscle atrophy. Accidents or ill health affecting bones or teeth.

© Sophia Raziela

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