The Networking Rune

The Networking Rune

The other day, before I could add my Quick Guide To The Runes on SlideShare, I first had to create an account with the networking site LinkedIn. A site which I have to admit that I have not paid much attention to earlier.

While I was creating my profile on the site, I began to wonder,

“Is there a rune for networking?”

Yes, of course there is.

Mannaz is the rune of humanity, the collective, organisations, of friendships, social gatherings and connections, as well as learning a skill or trade.

In the modern era, social media and the internet are also represented by this rune.

When networking you need to be sociable and able to connect with people. People who appreciate your skills or the way you do business. People who want to do business, trade or partner with you.

In a rune reading, if you draw Mannaz in response to questions like,

  • “How do I get a job?” 
  • “How do I get more clients for my business?”
  • “What do I have to do to attract a partner/ partners” (business and romantic)

the simple answer may be, “network”.

© Sophia Raziela

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