Example Readings Using One Rune

Example Readings Using One Rune

This is useful for when you need a quick overview of a situation, a point of focus or general advice. It can also be used for daily casting.

The difficulty with laying only one rune, is that the runes themselves can mean several things. If you need very specific advice, you may need to lay more runes for comparison and clarification. Share on X

Below are some examples of a single rune draw being used on common questions.

1. Should I invest my savings in company X now?

Rune drawn: Laguz

Depending on what the company you wish to invest in does, Laguz could be a good sign, or simply tell you that your company is not as solid as you may think.

It may indicate that the company is undergoing some changes that make it difficult to give a good answer at present.

Laguz represents water and the oceans, which have high tide and low tide. It could indicate that the company you want to invest in will have variable income.

It could also indicate an easy flow of money if the company deals with water, imagination, healing, cleansing, dreams, the occult and psychic powers. This could be a sewage treatment plant, a psychic hotline, sea rescue, cruise line or a film studio, amongst other things.

In this example, Laguz appeared in the upright position. Had it been reversed, it would be a clear indication of a ‘money drain’ and a bad investment.

2. How will my date with X go Saturday night?

Rune drawn: Dagaz

This is a difficult rune to read as it heralds transformation. The only thing that is certain is that things will not be the same again after this date.

In love matters it could mean seeing the person in a new light and suddenly falling in or out of love with them, suddenly getting married, experiencing a sexual awakening, having an orgasm, experiencing a love that transforms you, or finding that your date is undergoing a major life transformation.

Here I would suggest laying at least one more rune to clarify.

3. What line of work am I best suited for?

Rune drawn: Inguz

Inguz represents Ing, the God of agriculture and male fertility.

If this shows up as a response to this question, you may be suited for work involving seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest.

Some examples of what this could be are farmer, seed collector, brewer, making batteries, teaching meditation, working at a sperm bank, being a gigolo and much more.

4. My car will not start. What is wrong with it?

Rune drawn: Mannaz – reversed

Mannaz is the rune of humanity, which could mean that your car will not start due to human error (the fault is at your end) or sabotage (someone else is to blame).

Other indications of Mannaz, which may apply here, are connection, fulfilling ones potential and easy life transitions.

It could be that your car will not start because the spark is not reaching the spark plugs (loss of connection) and thus the fuel will not ignite (not reaching its potential), or there could be an issue with the fuel supply to your engine (loss of connection, difficulty with transition).

5. Where is the best place for me to look for a partner?

Rune drawn: Inguz

Inguz is the rune of male fertility. You could meet your partner in a place or situation related to seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest.

These indications can refer to many different places and situations. Think about the places where you have been invited to lately that may be represented by this rune. Or maybe you need some of the things that this rune indicates, then go visit places where they are on offer.  

© Sophia Raziela

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