Algiz (Elk)

Algiz Algiz is a rune of protection. It can be used to protect the person as well as their property. Share on X

The appearance of this rune could mean that you should either protect yourself, or that you are called to protect others.

Algiz also represents divine connection, listening to the whispers of the Gods and ones higher self.

When this rune shows up in a reading it may be telling you that you need to strengthen this bond. Listen to your gut instincts and have the courage to follow them.

Algiz also wants you to take the moral high ground. It will not protect you from just punishment. As it is a rune of protection, it may also be used to protect others against you.


Upright: Protection. Divine connection. Higher self. Courage. Intuition. Guardians.

Reversed: Loss of protection and divine connection. Hidden dangers. Fear. Immorality. Punishment.


Upright: Job security. Protecting your wealth. Gut instincts lead to great investments or help you avoid making bad investments. Making a living from safety, protection, intuition or divine communication.

Reversed: Theft or loss of unprotected wealth. Hidden dangers are a money drain. Ignoring your gut and being fooled into make bad investments. Harm to self or property leads to loss of wealth or income. Money earned by harming others and their property.


Upright: Partnership is safe. Partner is courageous, protects you and makes you feel safe. You protect your partner and make them feel safe. Safe sex.

Your partner works with safety, protection, intuition or divine communication. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to safety, protection, intuition or divine communication.

Reversed: Unprotected sex. You need to protect yourself from your partner. Hidden dangers to the relationship. Spiritual abuse. You get a bad feeling about prospective partner. Partner is fearful, immoral or in jail.

Your partner works with loss of protection and safety, immorality, cowardice and bad spiritual advice. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to loss of protection and safety, immorality, cowardice and bad spiritual advice.


Upright: Protecting your health. Healing your gut. Taking probiotics. Taking care of your skin. Curing allergy, skin problems or boosting the immune system. Antihistamines.

Reversed: Problems with head or face. Skin problems. Hypersensitivity. Worsening allergies or having an allergic reaction. Immune deficiency. HIV and AIDS.  

© Sophia Raziela

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