Ansuz (Odin. God. Breath)

Ansuz This is the rune of the Norse God Odin. It represents divinity, the divine breath, and the breath of life. Share on X

It is the spoken word, language, prayers, song, music and poetry. The ability to listen and receive messages, as well as deliver them.

Psychic powers may be indicated here, as that is the ability to listen within, to ones higher self, as well as to the ancestors, Gods and angels.

Ansuz also is about giving and receiving advice. It represents the old and wise and can signal that you will receive help from your elders, or from the Allfather himself.

‘Let go, and let God’ is a saying that comes to mind when dealing with this rune.


Upright: God, divinity and faith. Old people. Wisdom. Use of knowledge. Communication. Advice. Messages. Psychic powers. Truth. Inspiration. Spoken word and song. Language. Music and poetry. Harmony.

Reversed: Bad advice. Lies. Disharmony. Feeling abandoned by God. Unable to communicate. Language problems. Lack of faith and inspiration. No help from ones elders. Religious abuse. Cults. Fake psychics.


Upright: Sound financial advice. Good news regarding money. Receiving money from old people. Possible inheritance.

Making money from news, messages, words, language, song or music. Making a living as a psychic, priest, advisor or working with old people.

Reversed: Bad financial advice. Bad news regarding money. Being scammed and lied to about money. Spending and loosing money on old people, psychics, advisors and priests.


Upright: Being in love with the divine. Being married to God. A harmonious partnership. A wise or older partner. Partner gives good advice.

Partner is good with words or language. Partner is psychic and communicates with a higher power. Partner is an ascetic or a yogi.

Your partner works with communication, words, language, song, music, elders, knowledge, is a psychic, priest or advisor. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to communication, words, language, song, music, elders, knowledge, psychics, priests or advice.

Reversed: Disharmony in relationships. A lying, manipulative partner. Misplaced trust. Words spoken in confidence being used against you.

Partner gives bad or self-serving advice. Partner uses foul language. Partner is ‘hearing voices’. Partner is mad.

Your partner works with madness, lies, manipulation, misplaced trust, bad advice and cults. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to madness, lies, manipulation, misplaced trust, bad advice and cults.


Upright: Aerobic exercise. Lungs and respiratory system. Voice. Hearing.

Reversed: Illness or accidents affecting the respiratory system, throat, vocal chords or ears. Madness.

© Sophia Raziela

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