Example Readings Using Three Runes

Example Readings Using Three Runes

A three rune spread usually comes in two forms:

  • Past, present, future
  • Overview of the problem, the challenge to be overcome, and the proposed solution

Clarify beforehand which of these you are using.

Never lay one spread and read it as the other (or both). If you do, the answer will be more confusing than helpful. Share on X

You will see why when I contrast the two methods using a similar question.

The past-present-future spread will give you the answer to static questions, what will happen if you continue on the same path that you are on now without any changes.

The overview-challenge-solution spread is for dynamic questions, when you anticipate a need for change or want advice on how to deal with a problem.

1. I am out of work. Will I get a job soon?

Runes drawn: Raido, Uruz-reversed, Hagalaz

Raido is the rune of movement, Uruz is strength, and Hagalaz the hailstorm.

It appears as if you have made a sincere effort in getting yourself out there. You have applied for numerous jobs and travelled from place to place seeking employment.

At the moment your strength is fading. You are getting tired and may be feeling a bit depressed about your lack of success in getting a job.

Unfortunately this will persist for some time to come, as there is no letting up in the near future. In fact, it is about to get worse. Prepare yourself for hard times ahead.

2. I am out of work and need advice on how to get a job

(Read as overview-challenge-solution)
Runes drawn: Raido, Uruz-reversed, Hagalaz

Raido indicates a lot of movement and that an effort is being made. You are putting yourself out there and applying for jobs.

The challenge lies in your strength. You may be feeling tired and depressed. You could be suffering from a loss of motivation and self confidence, which could also lead to unchecked aggression.

Even if these problems are rooted in your current situation of unemployment, potential employers do not know this. All they see is a tired or aggressive job applicant. In other words, the way you are feeling at the moment makes you a person nobody wants to hire.

The proposed solution lies in the rune Hagalaz, which at first glance does not seem to offer much help, but let us take a look.

When Hagalaz appeared in the other spread in the future position it was indicating an outcome, and a dire one at that. But here, in the solution position, it might actually help you.

Hagalaz as a solution to the problem of getting a job, may tell you where to look for work. Share on X

Where you should be applying for work is in the sectors indicated by Hagalaz: shock, trauma, crisis, radical change, hailstorms, natural disaster and bad luck.

Some examples of what this could mean are storm and weather proofing or demolition of buildings, dealing with people who are suffering from trauma, crisis management and emergency services.

Take a close look at this rune and meditate on its meaning. Check to see if the jobs that are available come under its domain, and apply to the ones that do.

© Sophia Raziela

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