Example Readings Using Two Runes

Example Readings Using Two Runes

Two runes can be used for readings where:

  • You need advice on the present & future, or problem & solution
  • You want confirmation of something by comparison, or a little more detail, but not so much that it confuses you (which three runes can do)
  • You are trying to choose between two options

1a. My friend is in a coma. What will happen to him?

(Present & future)
Runes drawn : Isa, Dagaz

Isa is the ice rune. It is the world at sleep, and at rest. This is where your friend is at the moment – resting and asleep in a coma. What will happen is shown by Dagaz, which is the rune of awakening and a new beginning.

The answer is that the person will awaken from the coma.

1b. Should I buy stocks in company X now?

(Problem & solution)
Runes drawn : Isa, Dagaz

Isa is telling you to wait. Let your money rest, for now.
But for how long?

Dagaz indicates that either you wait until Spring, or until new information becomes available that helps you achieve clarity on the issue.

2a. What area of study would I be most suited to?

(Clarity by comparison)
Runes drawn: Berkana, Inguz

Here we have two runes that both indicate fertility. Berkana is the rune of female fertility and Inguz is the rune of male fertility.

The area of study you will be best suited to is reproductive health and fertility.

2b. Where is the best place for me to look for a partner?  

(More detail) 
​Runes drawn: Inguz, Ansuz

Inguz is the rune of male fertility. You could meet your partner in a place or situation related to seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest.

Ansuz is the rune of God and the spoken word. You could meet your partner in a place or situation related to communication, words, language, song, music, elders, knowledge, psychics, priests or advice.

The two runes have no keywords in common, so here we must combine them. Here are some possibilities:

‘Sowing the seeds of Faith’ in Sunday school, church or the church choir, at a rest home for the elderly, during peace talks, attending a Farmer’s Ball or a convention on male fertility.

3. Should I stay where I am or should I move to location X?

Runes drawn: Hagalaz, Hagalaz

The first rune drawn is for where the person is now, the second for where they are thinking about relocating to – location X. In this case, both are equally bad options, as Hagalaz is drawn for both.

Hagalaz is a very destructive and disruptive rune, and if it represents where you live, the advice would be to move, but not to location X. Find a third option.

4. I am not feeling well. What is wrong with me?

(More Detail)
Runes drawn:Wunjo – reversed, Sowilo

Health indications for Wunjo when reversed: Feeling miserable. Depression and lethargy. Bad news regarding health. Bad relationships with people have a negative effect on your health. Hangover. Problems caused by too much partying and good living. Anhedonia.

Health indications for Sowilo: Sunburn. Burns. Overheating. Light sensitivity. Fever. SAD. Vitamin D deficiency. Problems related to the adrenal glands.

Likely causes: SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or depression caused by a lack of sunlight and vitamin D. Burnout.

© Sophia Raziela

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