Inguz (Seed. The God Ing)

Inguz Inguz is the rune of male fertility and agriculture. It represents the planted seed that is waiting to grow. Share on X

It is a rune of rest and meditation, and advises you to let things develop naturally. The energy stored in the seed will be released when ready. Do not try to force growth.

Inguz can represent the inner child and personal development.

It is also a rune that can be used to protect the home.


Seeds. Agriculture. Reaching ones full potential. Peace. Prosperity. Problem solving. Male fertility. Virility. Stored energy. Gestation. Protection of the home. The inner child.


Prosperity. Planting the seeds of future wealth. Letting money and investments grow on their own. Savings. Nurturing the inner child brings you money.

Making money from seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest.


Sowing the seeds of love. Love grows. Love helps you grow as an individual. You meditate together. Fertile relationship or partner. Having a child together. Partner is peaceful and prosperous. Taking a break from love and dating to focus on personal development.

Your partner works with seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to seeds, agriculture, gestation, growth, fertility, children, libido, genitals, problem solving, personal development, stored energy, meditation, peace and rest.


Male fertility and reproductive organs. Libido. Potency. Refractory period. Ejaculation. Growth. Rest. Meditation. Reserves of energy.

© Sophia Raziela

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