Isa (Ice)


Ice blocks the normal flow of life. It imposes upon it a period of stillness and waiting.

If it shows up alone in your reading when you have asked for advice, the message is simple: ‘Wait, and do nothing‘. We are rarely comfortable doing nothing, so this advice may be hard to take.

If you choose to ignore it, thinking you can melt the ice, that would be a mistake. You may instead find yourself slipping on the ice or breaking through it, but the ice will not melt. Not yet.

Use the waiting period to plan and prepare. The water does not stay frozen forever, and then when it thaws you will be ready. Share on X


Blockages. Restrictions. Lack of movement. Frozen. Waiting. Stillness. Silence.


Frozen assets. Slippery or icy markets. Blocked access to wealth. Save your money, this is not a good time to invest. No quick gains are possible at this time.

Income from working with ice, frozen things, blockages, immobility and stillness.


Lack of warmth and love in relationship. Cold partner. Unable to communicate with or access partner. Giving or being given a cold shoulder. Waiting for someone to warm up to you. Nothing happening in your love life.

Your partner works with ice, frozen things, blockages, immobility and stillness. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to ice, frozen things, blockages, immobility and stillness.


Health condition remains the same. Hypothermia. Unable to get warm. Stiff, ‘frozen’ joints and limbs. Lethargy. Feeling tired. Sleep disturbances. Blocked movement. Paralysis. Coma. Death.  

© Sophia Raziela

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