Nauthiz (Need)

Nauthiz Nauthiz means need. Whether the need is real or imagined, it is strongly felt. Share on X

There is a constant fear of not having enough and being unable to meet ones needs, to the point of being enslaved by those needs, as with addictions.

Nauthiz indicates starvation, a lack of resources, restrictions, and painful delays.


Need. Greed. Lack. Limitation. Restrictions. Delays.


Greedy or needy. Not having enough money to cover one’s basic needs. Making money from working with those in need or with addicts, either by helping them or exploiting them.


A relationship starved of love. Unable to meet sexual needs and the need for love. Unfulfilled desires. Addicted to love. Partner is needy, greedy or an addict.

Your partner works with need, greed, addiction, limitations and delays. You meet your partner in a place or situation related to need, greed, addiction, limitations and delays.


Starvation. Dehydration. Malnutrition. Eating disorders. Addictions. Unable to get the healthcare that you need.

© Sophia Raziela

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