We may also benefit from our ancestors good deeds and inherit a title. Or we may suffer because of them and be left with a bad name.
Generational poverty is also an option, as well as inherited wealth.
Othila represents the homeland and the need to preserve it. We bond with our countrymen over our common heritage and culture, and feel a sense of belonging.
If negative, this could make us overly conservative, suspicious of outsiders, and in some cases lead to xenophobia and racism.
Othila may indicate that it is time for you to break away from the family to start your own.
Upright: Property. Inheritance. Homeland. Security. Family. Preservation. Unmovable wealth. Family wealth. Culture. Ancestry. Genes.
Reversed: Loss of inheritance, security, family and home. Refugees. Xenophobia. Racism. Generational poverty.
Upright: Receiving an inheritance. Access to family wealth. Provided for by the family. Working in the family business. Making money from family, ancestry, genetics, inheritance, land and preserving national culture.
Reversed: Arguments with family over inheritance. Having no inheritance or loosing it. No help from the family. Family business falls apart. Having to sell ancestral home or land.
Unable to make a living due to family name, racism or xenophobia. Generational poverty. Inherited illness or genetic defect is a money drain.
Making money from working with refugees, foreclosures, poverty, genetic defects, broken homes and families, civil war, war in the homeland, xenophobia and racism.
Upright: Setting up home. Your partner makes you feel at home. Home is where the heart is. Partner is from the homeland. Partner is accepted by your family.
You are accepted by your partners family. In-laws feel like family. Partner feels familiar. You and your partner share a common ancestor. Happy family life. You inherit from your partner.
Your partner works with family, ancestry, genetics, inheritance, land and preserving national culture.
You meet your partner in a place or situation related to family, ancestry, genetics, inheritance, land and preserving national culture.
Reversed: Broken home. Your heart is not in this relationship. Your partner is a stranger. You have nothing in common. Partner is from a different country and culture. Your families do not get along. You do not inherit from your partner.
Your partner works with refugees, foreclosures, poverty, genetic defects, broken homes and families, civil war, war in the homeland, xenophobia and racism.
You meet your partner in a place or situation related to refugees, foreclosures, poverty, genetic defects, broken homes and families, civil war, war in the homeland, xenophobia and racism.
Upright: Good genes. Healthy family environment. Being well cared for.
Reversed: Genetic mutations and diseases. Blood related illnesses. Unhealthy family environment leads to disease.
© Sophia Raziela