Raido (Wagon. Journey)

Raido Raido is a rune of travel and mobility. It is a symbol of the journey of life, as life must flow freely, move, and change in order to maintain itself. That which stops, withers and dies. Share on X

During the journey of life, we occasionally take a wrong turn. Which is why this rune also represents justice and the ability to find one’s way.


Upright: Journeys. Vehicles. Travel. Mobility. Change. Self development. Justice. Freedom.

Reversed: Problems related to travel and mobility. Accidents and delays while travelling. Taking a wrong turn. Being lost. Blockages. Arrested development. Injustice. Imprisonment. Death.  


Upright: Money coming your way. Movable assets. Moving money around. Moving from one place to another improves finances.

Making money from transportation, vehicles, moving, travel, maps, freedom, law and justice.

Reversed: Expenses and loss related to transportation, vehicles or travel. Money going out quicker than it is coming in. Can not obtain movable assets. Costs due to forced move or legal issues. Transfer of funds stopped, reversed or not flowing freely.

Making money from jails, injustice, death, breakdown of transportation, immobility or reduced mobility, problems during travel, lost people and runaways.


Upright: Love flows freely. Easy flow of communication. You and your partner are going in the same direction. You travel together. You move away together. Easygoing, freedom loving partner. Partner loves to travel.

Your partner works with transportation, vehicles, moving, travel, maps, freedom, law and justice. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to transportation, vehicles, moving, travel, maps, freedom, law and justice.

Reversed: You are going your separate ways. Separation and divorce. You travel separately. Relationship is not going anywhere. Your love interest is divorced, separated, has decreased mobility or is unable to travel. Partner is lost, is in jail or runs away.

Your partner works with jails, injustice, death, breakdown of transportation, immobility or reduced mobility, problems during travel, lost people and runaways. 

You meet your partner in a place or situation related to jails, injustice, death, breakdown of transportation, immobility or reduced mobility, problems during travel, lost people and runaways.


Upright: Exercises and treatments that increase blood circulation. Manual lymphatic drainage. Healthcare related to increased mobility, such as using a chiropractor or getting physiotherapy. Travel to get better healthcare.

Reversed: Decreased mobility. Issues with urine, blood flow and the lymphatic system. Oedema. Motion sickness. Accidents while travelling or involving vehicles. Journey’s end – death.  

© Sophia Raziela

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